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Willson, M.F. and Traveset, A. (2000). The ecology of seed dispersal. In: Seeds: the ecology of regeneration in plant communities. 2nd. Pp 85 – 110.  M. Fenner (ed.), CAB International, UK. PDF.

Traveset, A. (2000)  Relaciones Ecológicas. En: Parque Nacional Archipiélago de Cabrera. Pp.  124- 133. Ed Esfagnos S.L., Madrid, Spain. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1999). Ecology of plant reproduction: mating systems and pollination. In: Handbook of Functional Plant Ecology. pp  545- 588.  Pugnaire, F.I. and Valladares, F. (eds.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, USA. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1999) La importancia de los mutualismos para la conservación de la biodiversidad, con ejemplos de las Islas Baleares (Mediterráneo Occidental). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 72: 527- 538. PDF.

Pérez-Mellado, V. & Traveset, A. (1999) Interactions between Mediterranean lizards and plants. Natura Croatica 8: 275 – 285. PDF.

Mas, R. & Traveset, A. (1999) Efectes de l’ingestió per ocells sobre la germinació i dispersió de dues espècies pròximes de Solanum. Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 42: 69- 77. PDF.

Traveset, A. & Mas, R. (1999) Presència de gal.les induïdes per cecidòmids, Asphondylia trabutii Marchal 1896, en els fruits de Solanum nigrum L. 1753 a Mallorca. Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 42: 27- 31. PDF.


Traveset, A. & Willson, M.F. (1998) Ecology of the fruit-color polymorphism in Rubus spectabilis. Evolutionary Ecology 12:  331- 345. PDF.

Traveset, A., Willson, M.F. & Sabag, C. (1998) Effect of nectar-robbing birds in fruit set of Fuchsia magellanicus in Tierra del Fuego. Functional Ecology 12: 459- 464. PDF.

Gervais, J.A., Traveset, A. & Willson, M.F. (1998) The potential for seed dispersal by the banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus). American Midland Naturalist 140: 103 – 110. PDF.

Herrera, C.M., Jordano, P., Guitián, J., & Traveset, A. (1998) Annual variability in seed production by woody plants and the masting concept: reassessment of principles and relation with pollination and seed dispersal. The American Naturalist 152: 577- 594. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1998) Effect of seed passage through vertebrates' guts on germination: a review. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 1: 151- 190. PDF.

Bermejo, T., Traveset, A. & Willson, M.F. (1998) Post-dispersal seed predation in the temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska. Canadian Field Naturalist 12: 510- 512. PDF.

Traveset, A. & Sáez, E. (1997) Pollination of Euphorbia dendroides by lizards and insects: spatio-temporal variation in patterns of flower visitation. Oecologia 111: 241- 248. PDF.

Traveset, A. & Willson, M.F. (1997) Effect of birds and bears on seed germination of fleshy-fruited plants in a temperate rainforest of Southeast Alaska. Oikos 80: 89- 95. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1997) Depredació de llavors post-dispersió de l'aladern de fulla estreta (Phyllirea angustifolia) a l'illa de Cabrera.  Butll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 40: 27- 33. PDF.


Willson, M.F., Traveset, A. & Sabag, C. (1996) Geese as frugivores and probable seed-dispersal mutualists. Journal of Field Ornithology 68: 144- 146. PDF.

Carles-Tolrà, M. & Traveset, A. (1996) Nuevo helomícido para la fauna balear (Islas Baleares) (Diptera, Heleomyzidae). Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 39: 43 – 46. PDF.


Sáez, E. & Traveset, A.(1995) Fruit and nectar feeding by Podarcis lilfordi (Lacertidae) on Cabrera Island (Balearic Archipelago). Herpetological Review 26: 121- 123. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1995) Spatio-temporal variation in pre-dispersal reproductive losses of a Mediterranean shrub, Euphorbia dendroidesL.  Oecologia 103: 118- 126. PDF.

Traveset, A., Willson, M.F. & Gaither, J.C. Jr. (1995) Avoidance by birds of insect-infested fruits of Vaccinium ovalifolium.  Oikos 73: 381- 386. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1995) Reproductive ecology of Cneorum tricoccon L. (Cneoraceae) in the Balearic Islands. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 117: 221- 232. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1995) Seed dispersal of Cneorum tricoccon by lizards and mammals in the Balearic Archipelago.  Acta Oecologica 16: 171- 178. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1994) Reproductive biology of Phillyrea angustifolia L. (Oleaceae) and effect of galling-insects on its reproductive output. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 114: 153- 166. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1994) Influence of type of avian frugivory on the fitness of Pistacia terebinthus L. Evolutionary Ecology 8: 618- 627. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1994) The effect of Agonoscena targionii (Licht.) (Homoptera:Psylloidea) on seed production by Pistacia terebinthus. Oecologia 98: 72- 75. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1994) Cumulative effects on the reproductive output of Pistacia terebinthus (Anacardiaceae). Oikos 71: 152- 162. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1994) El perill d'introduïr espècies exòtiques a les illes: el cas del mufló i del francolí a Mallorca.  Anuari Ornitol. Balears 9: 3 – 11. PDF.

Traveset, A. & Sans, A. (1994) Insect frugivory in Juniperus phoeniceae (L.) (Cupressaceae) in Cabrera island (Balearic Archipelago). Botll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 37: 143 – 150. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1993) Weak interactions between avian and insect frugivores: the case of Pistacia terebinthus L. (Anacardiaceae).  In:Frugivory and Seed Dispersal. Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects. Pp. 191-203. Ed. Fleming, T.H. & Estrada, A. Kluwer Academic Publ. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1993) Deceptive fruits reduce seed predation by insects in Pistacia terebinthus L. (Anacardiaceae). Evolutionary Ecology 7: 357- 361. Commented Paper in Nature 364: 100 (1993). PDF.

Traveset, A. (1993) Les relacions entre plantes i animals a l'illa de Cabrera. En: Història Natural de l'Arxipèlag de Cabrera, p. 473-485. Edit: Alcover, J.A.; Ballesteros, E. & Fornós, J.  Editorial Moll - CSIC. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1993)  Consum de fruits per ocells a l'illa de Cabrera (Illes Balears). Anuari Ornitològic de les Balears 7: 3 – 9. PDF.

Carles-Tolrà, M. & Traveset, A. (1993) Telomerina levifrons Spuler (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae): nova cita per a la Mediterrània trobada a l’illa de Cabrera (Illes Illes Balears).  Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears 36: 57 – 59. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1992) Effect of vertebrate frugivores on bruchid beetles that prey on Acacia farnesiana seeds. Oikos 63: 200- 206. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1992) Sex expression in a natural population of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). American Midland Naturalist 127: 309- 315. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1991) Pre-dispersal seed predation in Central American Acacia farnesiana: factors affecting the abundance of co-occurring bruchid beetles.  Oecologia 87: 570- 576. PDF.


Traveset, A. (1990) Ctenosaura similis Gray (Iguanidae) as a seed disperser in a Central American deciduous forest.  American Midland Naturalist 123: 402- 404. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1990) Bruchid egg mortality on Acacia farnesiana caused by ants and abiotic factors. Ecological Entomology 15: 463- 467. PDF.

Traveset, A. (1990) Post-dispersal predation of Acacia farnesianaseeds by Stator vachelliae (Bruchidae) in Central America. Oecologia 84: 506- 512. PDF.

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